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Family Health Center completes $8.3M renovation

September 23, 2014

Congressman James P. McGovern addresses the audience at a ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier this month. (MCPHS University/MICHAEL RATTY)

The Family Health Center of Worcester has completed an $8.3 million renovation at its 26 Queen St. offices that will allow the center to see an additional 7,200 patients annually, it said.

The multi-floor renovations add a primary care team, medical records and accounting offices and an IT server room to the ground floor, the center said in a statement. Dental capacity was expanded on the second floor. The renovation of 3,000 square feet of space on the first floor creates a new vision clinic that will be operated in partnership with MCPHS University's School of Optometry.

Funding for the expansion came from a variety of sources, including private fundraising, nonprofit donors and federal funds from the federal Affordable Care Act, according to the center.

"Because of the collaboration, everyone has access to excellent care," U.S. Rep. James McGovern, D-Worcester, said at a ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier this month. "What you see here is a tangible benefit of the Affordable Care Act."

Family Health Center employs more than 350 and has an annual budget of $31.5 million. It provides primary health care, dental care, behavioral health, social services and vision services.

Worcester Business Journal

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